
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Nerdy Truth: Stereotypical Lies

What is a nerd? Well, according to the dictionary, here are both the noun and verb definitions. The noun definition is a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious. The verb definition is to engage in or discuss a technical field obsessively or with great attention to detail. I don’t know about you, but I’m not too keen on the first definition nor am I ok with the stereotypes that it creates. So, let's dive deeper into this and I’ll show you the difference between what society thinks and what it really means to be a nerd! 




Let's start by listing typical stereotypes placed upon the nerd community: 

  • -They are extremely smart and have a high IQ 

  • -They are considered to be unpopular or lack social skills 

  • -A person who always wears glasses or has to have braces 

  • -An easy target for bullies to pick on and harass 

  • -Unable to play sports due to lack of physical coordination 

  • -Always behind on trends and unfashionable 

  • -Males are either too skinny or extremely overweight and that is assumed to be due to a lack of physical exercise 

  • -Women are unattractive due to focusing more on studies versus their appearance and therefore will remain unattractive 


My Opinion 


Now that I’ve brought to light some typical stereotypes, it’s time to bust down those walls and set things straight! 

  • Smart has nothing to do with it 

 First off, I believe that “nerd” is merely just a state of mind and, therefore, cannot be an intellectual label. Yes, nerds can be smart, but that is not what makes a nerd who they are.  

  • Popularity is irrelevant 

Most nerds I know, including myself, are actually quite sociable due to having a rather carefree nature towards social inhibitions and what others may think of them. 

  • Medical devices are non-defining 


The fact people associate glasses and braces with nerds is just wrong! All types of people wear glasses and braces and most nerds do not even require either one. A device used for medical reasons should never be used to classify or define a person.  

  • Nerds can bully too 

As far as bullying goes, nerds are just as sociable as the next person so they’re not as easy a target for most bullies and are even capable of being the bully themselves. 

  • Clumsy isn’t a label  

A lack of physical coordination, to me, is just based on your surroundings or possible medical conditions, not your socially labeled level in life.  

  • Nerd = Stylish 

Most nerds are extremely fashionable and have designed various leading clothing lines and, in recent years, have even become a mainstay for trendsetting. 

  • Male nerds like sports too  

Being a nerd means you really love things and set your mind to making those things a priority, this can also include sports. There are a lot of male nerds who play sports and are very capable of keeping their bodies in top condition. 

  • Female nerds like being girly as well 

Most new skincare regimes, body care products, and new make-up products are created by the women most would consider being nerdy. Having all that experience under their belt with beauty regiments and access to making them unique to their bodies makes me think they’ll be just fine appearance wise! 




The term nerd has been around for a long time and is difficult to change stereotype wise for many people. As a society, we tend to just “go with the flow” when it comes to these kinds of things. It's hard enough trying to change just one person’s opinion let alone attempt to rewire an entire society’s view on a subject. I’m proud of my fellow nerd community for the strives we’ve made throughout the years proving ourselves to be merely your average person, just with a hyperactive enthusiasm for certain aspects in our lives that have imprinted onto our hearts. 



  1. Nerds being stylish is top tier! I totally agree, lol! Because of the stereotype that nerds are super smart, it became a societal norm to suggest that they only use their knowledge for educational things, and everything else falls to the wayside. I think this is mostly untrue. If anything, the smarter you are, the more likely aware you are of social cues and trends. Great post!

    1. Thank you very much! It is nice to know that I am not the only one who feels this way.
